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Which Core Tray
fits your needs?

The Future vs. The Favorite

As far as core trays go, would you go for the one with smart technology or the good ol' reliable? Both are made from recycled plastic and fully sustainable, yet proven tough out in the field and guaranteed to last for years. Comes with Lifetime Warranty for the ultimate peace of mind.

Discoverer® Series 4 Plastic Core Tray

Discoverer® Series 4 Tru Identiti™

Frame (1)

The ultimate core tray designed for image capture and cloud sharing. Considered the world’s smartest core tray.

Discoverer® Series 2 Plastic Core Tray

Discoverer® Series 2

Discoverer Shield Icon

The industry favorite and our leading export product. Truly stacks and nests, leading to significant savings in freight.

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