Plastic Wastes

Core trays made entirely of 100% recycled plastic, without sacrificing their ability to preserve the integrity of your core.

Core Trays With An
Environmental Impact

Why still use core trays made of virgin polymer when you have a sustainable option that prevents plastic from entering landfills and breaking down into tiny pieces that take hundreds of years to disintegrate?

2,180 tonnes

The Discoverer
Recycled Plastic
Core Tray Process

Chart showing plastic being recycled and turned into Discoverer® Core Trays

While only virgin polymer was good enough for plastic core trays in the past, new technologies are now able to break down used plastic into its different polymers to remove impurities and make it just as robust as virgin material.

Soft on Mother Earth,
yet Durable and Tough
for Your Core

We designed the Discoverer Core Trays to withstand the harsh environments of mining and exploration, so you can rely on them to secure your sampling process as you always have. And for the ultimate peace of mind, they are backed by a Lifetime Warranty that no other core tray can give you.

Business advantages of going green:
  • ✅ Less waste
  • ✅ Minimize carbon risk
  • ✅ Comply with regulations
  • ✅ Drive innovation
  • ✅ Attract like-minded investors

Trusted by the Most
Forward-Thinking Geologists
& Field Explorers

Join the growing number of companies that have made the switch and are now enjoying Discoverer’s strength and sustainability while also making a positive impact on their communities.

Mining companies that use Discoverer® Recycled Plastic Core Trays

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